RMPP Project

The Red Meat Profit Partnership (RMPP) is a unique collaboration between the Red Meat Sector and Government through the Primary Growth Partnership programme.

The programme draws together nine industry partners that are investing in the programme alongside the Ministry for Primary Industries.

Our objective is to drive sustainable productivity improvements in the sheep and beef sector to deliver higher on-farm profitability.

The Red Meat Profit Partnership (RMPP) is improving the way that information and knowledge is shared among farmers to support best practice in the sheep and beef sector and drive sustainable productivity improvements to deliver higher on-farm profitability.

The success of the RMPP will rely on outcomes such as:

  • Better knowledge and technology transfer—in other words, finding better ways of communicating key information to farmers about improving their productivity & profitability
  • An understanding of what makes top performing farmers achieve their result
  • Being aware of how costs can be reduced between the farm gate and the meat processors
  • Benchmarking data to allow farmers to compare how their farm businesses are performing relative to others, including the best performers
  • Generating more interest in sheep and beef farming as an attractive career
  • Developing and using clear and consistent messages for our markets about the high quality nutritious red meat products that New Zealand's sheep and beef farmers are producing – NZ Inc
  • Developing and implementing an efficient and coordinated quality assurance (QA) system

Sheppard Agriculture Facilitates 3 RMPP Action Network Programmes:

The Morrison Misfits, Manawatu Wanganui region

Marlborough Tasman Business Group, Marlborough and Tasman regions

East Coast Busienss Development Group, Ward to Clarence area

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